Immortalize your perfume now, before it's too late!
Why not make your own?

Lightyears, Inc.
Here I have some resources for you. They could help you develop an interest in having your own perfume. They could help you go about creating your own perfume. You can view some of my creations here.
From experience...
In the course of working with perfume, perfumery students, and marketing companies I have developed the following guides. Many have found them helpful. Perhaps one could be of help to you.
- How To Launch Your Own Perfume Company: A Simple Business Plan
This strategy involves becoming a source of perfume. Rather than establishing a "brand" and selling your creations under your own brand name, you develop a businesss that provides product to perfume entrepreneurs. One advantage of this business is that, rather than having to "front" the money needed to market a new perfume, clients pay both your costs and some percentage of your profit in advance, before you undertake their projects. Selling and management skills are required but the results can be a fine, full-time or part-time business.
Also available in a soft cover edition from Amazon
— or read more about this book.
Creating Your Own Perfume With A 1700 Percent Markup!
This is a step-by-step guide and the story of a small marketing company that produced and marketed a fragrance of its own on a limited (controlled) scale. This allowed it to enjoy a gratifying profit (as is suggested by the book's title.)
The production was "desktop." The work "by hand." Costs were tightly controlled. Mathematics were carefully monitored. The techniques used work well for the underfunded entrepreneur but the steps and services described allow, with greater funding, unlimited expansion.
Available in other formats from Amazon
— or read more about this book.
Turn the perfume you made yourself into a commercial product you can sell!
If you have developed, or if you are developing, a perfume working from dropper bottles, when you have finished – and people say they like what you have done and you should sell it! – you find yourself with a problem. Making a large batch of your fragrance from dropper bottles is very, very slow work. Filling a large number of perfume bottles from dropper bottles will take so much time it won't seem worth the effort. To succeed you need the "drops to gallons" production methods revealed in Creating your own perfume from dropper bottles: Methods, mechanics, and mathematics
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